Karirlink • 08 Nov 2024
Karirlink • 11 Aug 2024
Rekomendasi Lowongan Kerja di Sidoarjo untuk Fresh Graduate, Yuk Segera Apply!
SEVIMA.COM – Sidoarjo dikenal sebagai kota industri yang terus berkembang pesat di Jawa Timur. Di kota ini, berbagai perusahaan terus berkembang, mulai dari sektor manufaktur hingga teknologi dan jasa. Nggak heran, banyak banget lowongan pekerjaan yang dibuka di berbagai bidang.
Buat kamu yang baru lulus atau sedang mencari kerja, nggak ada salahnya mempertimbangkan Sidoarjo sebagai kota untuk memulai karir, loh. Jadi, yuk langsung aja cek informasi lowongan berikut ini!
Baca juga : Surabaya Butuh Talenta Baru! Yuk Cek Rekomendasi Lowongan bagi Fresh Graduate
Rekomendasi Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduate di Sidoarjo
- Nama Perusahaan: PT Sarimurni Jaya
- Lokasi : Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
- Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal S1 Accounting.
- Wanita maksimal usia 28 tahun.
- Pengalaman minimal 1 Tahun Accounting.
- Memahami nilai dasar Pajak, Keuangan, dan Akuntansi.
- Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan melamar.
- Menguasai MS Office minimal Excel.
- Faham dengan program SAP.
- Keterampilan berhitung dan analitis yang kuat, jujur dan berkomunikasi yang baik.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Sidoarjo.
2. QC Produksi
- Nama Perusahaan: Jaya Arta Prima
- Lokasi: Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
- Kualifikasi:
- Laki-laki usia 20-30 tahun.
- SMK Teknik / S1 Teknik Industri.
- Berpengalaman (SMK Teknik), Fresh Graduates diperbolehkan (S1 Teknik Industri).
- Melakukan pengecekan barang pada saat produksi.
- Menuliskan laporan kerja.
- Menganalisis masalah problem solving, berpikir kritis dan teliti.
3. Materials Control Specialist
- Nama Perusahaan: Smoore Technology Indonesia
- Lokasi: Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
- Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
- According to the company’s development strategy, assist the department manager to formulate the corresponding department’s annual/monthly work goals, work plans and budgets;
- Participate in the macro management of the company, comprehensively coordinate the sales plan, reasonably decompose the work plan of the department and formulate KPI goals;
- According to customer forecast demand and sales order to evaluate and match the factory’s medium and long-term operation capacity, including manpower demand, equipment (including mold and fixture) load, material supply, production process arrangement, etc.;
- Assist in the preparation of the master production plan according to the sales order and check the corresponding material requirement plan and supervise the whole process of order fulfillment;
- Preside over the monthly/weekly master planning meeting, build an internal production planning operation and communication platform, and release production planning, line opening plans, material status, capacity load, work calendar and other information;
- Assist the department to build an information management platform, assist production management and control OEE, UPH, scrap, WIP and other operational indicators, and set up management reports (dashboard) for management nodes in the supply chain operation to monitor and support production operations;
- Participate in the introduction of new product projects, assist in the introduction of system BOM settings, process route preparation, trial production, etc.;
- Manage the inventory of raw materials and finished products, so that they can reasonably match the production plan operation and keep it to a minimum, and participate in the management of inventory, shortage/return/replenishment, change, waste, etc.
- Kualifikasi:
- Bachelor degree or above, major in logistics/business management is preferred;
- Fresh graduate or experience in PMC in large manufacturing enterprises, and more than 3 years of management experience;
- Familiar with manufacturing planning and material requirement planning in production and operation environment, and familiar with lean management system;
- Strong expertise in demand management, material management, capacity management, cross-border trade, and cost control;
- Strong logical thinking ability and analysis ability, familiar with ERP system, strong data processing ability, able to independently design and build supply, production and sales system according to business form is preferred, and those who can use VBA/Python are preferred;
- Strong leadership, project management, communication and execution skills;
- Good English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, able to use English as a working language.
- Good English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, able to use English as a working language.
Baca juga : Cari Kerja di Jakarta? Temukan Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduate 2024 di Sini!
Itulah beberapa rekomendasi lowongan kerja di Sidoarjo yang bisa jadi kesempatan buat kamu memulai karier. Pilihannya beragam, semoga ada yang cocok buat kamu, ya.
Nah, biar nggak ketinggalan info terbaru, langsung aja cek Karirlink! Di sana, kamu bisa lihat lowongan yang lebih lengkap, lamar dengan mudah, dan manfaatin fiturnya buat bantu kamu siap-siap cari kerja. Yuk, jangan sampai kelewatan!
Mengenal SEVIMA
SEVIMA merupakan perusahaan Edutech (education technology) yang telah berkomitmen sejak tahun 2004 dalam menyelesaikan kendala kerumitan administrasi akademik di pendidikan tinggi (Universitas, Sekolah Tinggi, Institut, Politeknik, Akademi, dll.) dengan 99% keberhasilan implementasi melalui SEVIMA Platform, segera jadwalkan konsultasi di: Kontak Kami